
Full-sized autonomous car, 3D testing simulator, Model-based solutions

What is it?

The goal of this competition is to provide an exciting opportunity to build a component that controls and runs on a real self-driving car---the University of Arizona's CAT Vehicle. The competition's framework is to generate a 3D simulation world that mirrors the world the CAT Vehicle has driven through.

What will teams do?

The teams will create ROS software components, which may be prototyped using Simulink toolboxes. At the conclusion of the competition, there will be new capabilities to generate simulation environments simply by driving around in the real-world, which will enable more advanced simulation-based testing of autonomous vehicles.

What if it works?

Teams who succeed will have the opportunity to travel to Tucson, AZ, to drive the CAT Vehicle with their code.

Have You Decided To Do It Already?

Competition Process

When does it happen?

0. Sign Up

1. Submit Tutorial Results (1/31)

2. Detect Environment Features (3/11)

3. Transform Features into Gazebo Models (3/31)

4. Drive CAT Vehicle in Tucson (4/24)

Have You Decided To Do It Already?

Organizing Team

Challenge designers and organizers from the University of Arizona

Swati participated in the CAT Vehicle 2016 REU Site.

Swati Munjal
Reference Implementations

Kennon participated in the 2015 CAT Vehicle REU Site.

Kennon McKeever
Simulator Coordination

Nathalie is a PhD student in control systems.

Maria Nathalie Risso
Competition Design

Jonathan is an Associate Professor and the PI of the project.

Jonathan Sprinkle
Project Leader

About the challenge

This challenge is supported by the project "Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization: Active Resources", NSF 1521617, and by MathWorks.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or MathWorks.

Supported by the MathWorks

The Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization

Contact Us

If you have a question about eligibility that is not covered on the site, ask it here. All technical questions are addressed on the CPS VO

Challenge question?

Ask it on the CPS VO

Organizing Institution

CSL Group
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0104